Policies & Guidlines


Established in 1996, Kung Fu Northwest and Kung Fu 4 Kids is the exclusive Traditional Kung Fu facility for teens, adults and age specific children’s Martial Arts training. Thank you for  choosing us for your Martial Arts experience. We are dedicated to making a positive and rewarding experience for you and your children.


School Phone Number:        360.763.0072
Websites: https://marysvillemartialarts.com
: frontdesk@marysvillemartialarts.com


Our staff utilizes multiple avenues to communicate with our members. With so many events and activities being coordinated at the school, please keep an eye and ear out on a regular basis for current events.

The following list includes our methods for communication:

✓  Text (preferred) 
✓  School App
✓  Facebook Messenger
✓   End of class announcements
✓  Emails
✓  Posters
✓   Bulletin Boards
✓  Blogs (on website)


Hours of Operation
•    We are generally open Monday thru Friday from 1:00 pm – 8:00 pm.
•    Children in our evening classes should arrive no earlier than 5 minutes before class, and be picked-up immediately after class has finished.

Closures: If Marysville public schools are closed due to bad weather, we will be closed as well.  We ARE NOT able to offer make-up lessons for closures.

Our School is closed for all national holidays: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. The School may also be closed on occasion for the day prior or day following a Holiday or other occasions. These closings will be posted in advance. We ARE NOT able to offer make-up lessons for holiday closures.

We have a Mandatory Attendance Policy.* Regular attendance is important for the overall development of all students and the optimum benefit of our program. You are responsible for your / your child’s punctual attendance and refunds will not be given for missed classes or camp days.

*Please review our Mandatory Attendance Policy in our Discipline Policies Section.

Attendance is the participant’s responsibility. In order for an absence to be excused, advance notice of the absence is required. We only excuse absences for illness, medical and family emergencies, and school events.

Make-up Classes
We strictly limit make-up classes to illness, medical and family emergencies, school events, as well as class availability. Make-up classes will not be scheduled for classes missed due to school closures or holiday closures. If you or your child will miss class please call us to excuse the absence and schedule a make-up class. Failure to notify us prior to any absence will result in an unexcused absence and forfeiture of make-up classes. All make up classes must be scheduled 24 hours in advance and within 60 days of the original ‘Excused’ absence. Make-up classes not schedule within 30 days of the original ‘Excused’ absence will be forfeited.

Child, Teen, and Adult Classes: All payments must be made on time, according to your individual membership agreement. Your tuition pays for 8 lessons (2 day per week program) or 12 lessons (3 day per week program) per month. Extra lessons received as a result of the last ‘odd’ week of the month, replace any lessons missed due to school closures.

Late Payments & Returned Checks
Attendance is the participant’s responsibility. All payments are final and non-refundable. Returned checks and late payments over 5 days may be submitted electronically. All returned checks will be re-submitted electronically with a late charge equal to the current bank rate for NSF checks plus $10.

School uniforms and equipment are mandatory for all participants. Students must wear a clean uniform to every class. Students that forget any portion of their uniform will receive a verbal warning. Second time will result in an instructor / student conference. Third time will result in a student penalty. For more information on student penalties please see the Discipline Policies Section.
Extra school T-shirts and training pants are available for purchase.

Water Bottles
Students should bring a plastic, sports type water bottle with a closable lid, to every class. Please no glass bottles.  Only water will be permitted. NO JUICE OR SODA!

Parents & Visitors
Parrent’s and families are always welcome and encouraged to watch classes.  There are a few rules to ensure everyone has the best experience possible…


FULL HOUSE – Once all of the seats are filled, the viewing area is closed.  Due to occupancy and fire safetly rules, we cannot allow visitors to stand and watch.  We must keep the halway and exit doors clear.

Chairs – Please DO NOT move the chairs from their spots. Do not take them out onto the deck.  For safety reasons they must remain where they are.

Deck – When the sliding door is open you are welcome to watch classes from the deck. Please observe all of the same rules you would in our viewing area.  PLEASE, no food or drink on the deck. Martial Arts Class is Their Time – It’s all about them, their learning, their growth, and their unique experiences.  Nothing should distract them from that.

None of this is to say that parents showing a genuine interest in their child’s learning and development is bad. That would be ludicrous.  However, minimizing these distractions has to be a priority for us. Our number one focus has always been, and always will be, our students. That’s one of the reasons you bring them to us.

Food & Drink Please do not bring food into the school. Other than water, drinks are not allowed in the training hall or viewing area. No Sports Drinks.

Phones – We encourage you to use your phones to check in on Facebook, take pictures, and share our school with your friends.  We do ask that you silence them and not talk on them in the lobby or viewing area.

Conversation – We love seeing all of the friendships that are created here! Please keep conversations to a whisper while watching class.

Siblings –  We are a family-oriented school, so siblings are always welcome.  We do require that they be closely supervised, remain seated, and not be allowed to run around or become a distraction to students in class.

Respect – Always treat everyone at our school with understanding and respect.  It is up to each of us to set an example for every one of the students.

Sideline Coaching – There are few things more distracting, confusing, or detrimental to a child’s learning than sideline coaching.  If you have a concern, please speak to one of the teachers after class.  Never correct your kung fu kid from the “sideline” or walk onto the training floor.   Sideline coaching will not be tolerated.

Please ensure that students in the class are free from distractions.  Cell phones must be turned off.

Please attend to siblings and do not let children wander unattended.

Sideline Coaching
While it is always with the best of intentions, “sideline coaching” by parents is detrimental and distracting. Our instructors know best, the methods and rates at which students should improve and progress.  Never correct your children from the “sideline” or walk onto the training floor.  These actions will not be tolerated.

Waiting Area & Offices
Please respect the School and students by keeping noise to a minimum at all times. Please clean up any messes you or any children under your supervision make. The offices are NOT a part of the waiting area and should only be entered with permission.

Please attend to siblings and do not let children wander unattended.

Smoking & Alcohol
WE ARE A NO SMOKING PROPERTY! Absolutely NO SMOKING in or around the school. Never come to the school under the influence of alcohol or any other drug.

Our School needs to be immediately notified of changes in telephone numbers (home or work), jobs, family status, custody changes, doctors and authorized persons to pick up your child.

Children who become ill during the day may not remain at the school. Parents will be called to pick up the child as soon as possible. To prevent the spread of infections, please keep your children home when they have an elevated temperature, upset stomach, diarrhea, have a contagious condition such as pink eye, chicken pox, head lice, or have a skin infection or serious cold.  Please notify us if your child will be absent from their academic school and our school, and report all illnesses immediately.

If your child is injured at our school, the only treatment that is provided is cleansing with soap and water, ice, band-aid and TLC. Any injury that requires more than the basics listed in the preceding paragraph, will necessitate a parent coming to the School to determine if professional medical care is needed.

Policy Changes & Updates
We reserve the right to change, modify or update these policies and guidelines at any time.

Release of Records
Records regarding minor (17 and under) student memberships, financial information, attendance, performance, etc. will only be released to custodial parents/guardians.  Records will only be released to non-custodial parents with written permission provided to us by the custodial parent/guardian.
Exception:  Exception to this policy will apply only to non-custodial parents/guardian who are the original purchasers, and active payees of the membership.

On-Holds & Freezes
If you are on a month-to-month membership you may put your membership ‘on-hold’ for up to 3 months. When you return you are guaranteed the same tuition rate.  If you return after 3 months, your membership will be required to pay current tuition rates, even if they have increased. We cannot guarantee available class time when you return.

If you are on a 7 month or 1 year membership you may ‘Freeze’ your membership for up to 3 months.  You are still obligated to pay the remaining balance on your membership according to its original terms. Your membership expiration date will be extended for a period of time equal to the duration of the time that the membership will be frozen. We will guarantee your current spot, at the same class time, when you return.

Changing Class Times
You may change/alter/reschedule your regularly scheduled class times once every 90 days. In some cases, at our discretion, we may allow you to change your class times more often.

Belt Exams – Children’s Classes Only
As your children progress they will receive colored stripes (white, green, blue & black) on their belts. Once they have all 4 stripes, our instructors will send home a ‘Permission to Promote’ form.
When this form is completed and returned with the exam fee* and completed workbook requirements your child will be scheduled for testing. Testing is generally held the first Friday of every month. After passing their exam, children will receive their next belt and updated workbook, usually within one week. Children should display patience and respect by not asking if they passed or when they will get their new belt.

*Exam fees are waived for all Full-Time After School Program members.

Sash Exams – Teen Classes Only
Near the end of each trimester, teens will be given a ‘Permission to Promote’ form & ‘Required Equipment’ form.  When these forms are completed and returned with the exam fee they will be scheduled for testing.


Mandatory Attendance Policy


Students are required to attend a minimum of two training classes each week.

Failure to notify the school prior to your absence will result in an Unexcused Absence. An
Unexcused Absence will result in a mark on your attendance record.

•    Two unexcused absences in any 30 day period will result in a Verbal Warning.
• Two unexcused absences within 30 days of a verbal warning will result in a Written Warning.
• Two unexcused absences within 30 days of a written warning, your membership will be cancelled.


It is important that student’s always arrive on time. Students arriving late are a distraction to
other students, and miss warm-ups which are critical when participating in any physical activity.

•    Two instances of tardiness in any 30 day period will result in a Verbal Warning.
•    Two more instances of tardiness within 30 days of a verbal warning will result in a Written Warning.
•   Two more instances of tardiness within 30 days of a written warning, your membership will be cancelled.

Behavior Policy
We created the 3-Strikes Rule to help measure the effort and attitude of our students. These rules
are meant to maintain certain standards that we believe contribute to the overall atmosphere of our school. If a student does not meet these standards, then the rules will be enforced. This will help us eliminate unnecessary distractions that prevent other students from learning and training.

Unacceptable and distracting behavior, inconsistent attendance, and negative unreported comments are considered behaviors that can weaken our school’s positive atmosphere. To maintain the quality of our school, we will enforce the 3-Strikes Rule when necessary.

The following standards are included in the 3-Strikes Rule along with the necessary procedures of Enforcement:

• Attire: School uniforms and equipment are mandatory for all Martial Arts participants. Students must wear a clean uniform to every class.
• Distracting Behavior: If a student displays a poor attitude or distracting behavior, it affects the entire class.
• Disobedience: Failure or refusal to follow directions shows a lack of respect for our teachers, parents, students and the entire school.
• Negative Comments: If a student, or a family member, talks negatively about another student (or family member), staff, instructor, or any other person or situation related to the school and does not report it to our management first, it is considered unfair and inappropriate; and decreases the school’s (and its members) overall morale.
• Unwanted Physical Contact: Any pushing, hitting, etc. that is not a part of the lesson or activity.

Procedures of enforcement for the 3-Strikes Rule:

• First Offence: First time someone violates the 3-Strikes Rule the student will sit out the remainder of the class, a verbal warning is given and a permanent mark is made on his or her record.
• Second Offence: The second time someone violates the 3-Strikes Rule the student will sit out the remainder of the class, a student (parent if student is under 18) conference is scheduled and a second permanent mark is made on the student’s record.
• Third Offence: The third time someone violates the 3-Strikes Rule the student will sit out the remainder of the class, a final student (parent if the student is under 18) conference is scheduled and the student is forced to take a leave of absence with a term length from 4-weeks to one year depending on the severity of the violation.


Parents, please review the following statements to help you or your child understand the value and importance of their training.

1. Use your training wisely. Martial Arts training is used to increase your physical, intellectual, emotional, and social skills. In any situation, Martial Arts should only be used as self-defense.
2. Real Martial Artists are respectful to everyone they encounter inside and outside of the school.
3. To become the best you can be, train regularly and work on improving one step at a time. If you do your best you will be your best.
4. Maintain the highest positive attitude possible. The better you act, the better you will train, and the better you will become.
5. Attend class regularly and avoid inconsistency. Make sure you practice good habits and work to become very organized. Missing class because you are unorganized is a habit that will negatively affect your progress and limit you from achieving your goals.
6.      Train at your own ability and never force anything unnaturally.
7. To master the posture of a martial artist, eliminate negativity by controlling your temper, avoiding bad habits, and understanding the concept of empathy.
8. Practice being punctual at everything you do. This is the best way to earn the respect of others.
9.       Make safety a priority inside and outside of the School.
10.    Show respect for yourself by eating right and staying hydrated.
11. Avoid the temptation of teaching others outside of class. It is extremely dangerous and leaves you liable for any incidents.
12.     Approach us with any questions or concerns you have regarding our school.
13. Set goals for yourself consistently and always review them to ensure that you are achieving them promptly.
14.     Please do not practice anything not formally taught to you by an instructor.
15.     Support the Code of Ethics when you see others not following them.

Parents, please review the following statements to help you or your child understand proper class
room conduct.

1.      Always Be On Time!
2. Remove your  shoes and show school pride by putting them away neatly before entering the kwoon (training hall)
3. Always wear a clean uniform to class and remove all jewelry before you enter the training floor.
4. Show respect to others by having good hygiene and not using profanity or negative comments in class.
5.     Let an instructor know immediately if you have an injury or feel ill.

6.     If a class is in session when you arrive, show respect by sitting and watching quietly.
7.      Always bow and say hello to your teacher when you arrive to class.
8.      No running, yelling or horseplay before, during or after class.
9.      Before class starts you should stretch or practice.
10.    Never touch any of the weapons without permission.
11.   There should be no talking during class.  Always raise your hand if you have a question.
12. Always ask for help when you are having a hard time with something or do not understand something.
13. Accept criticism as a way to help you improve your abilities. When an instructor corrects you, they are doing so to help you be the best you can be.
14. Show your teachers respect by saying ‘Thank you Sir’ or ‘Thank you Ma’am’ after they help you or teach you something new.
15.   Always sit or stand properly when your teachers are talking to you.
16.    Always bow and say ‘Thank you’ or ‘Goodbye’ to your teacher when class is over.
17.   After class, you should quickly and quietly put your shoes on and get ready to leave.
18.   Always do your best. If you do your best you will be your best!


Drop off / Pick up: All of our parents are encouraged to watch their child’s progress on a regular basis. There are many milestones that your child will accomplish daily, and you being there as a parent to witness their immediate growth and development is essential for their self- esteem. However, we also understand that from time to time you may need to drop off your child and run errands. Please make sure that your child is on time for class as tardiness affects the overall structure of the class. Also make sure that you pick up your child on time.

Parent/ Student Conferences: We are experts in the field of child development and extend our expertise beyond the training floor. If your child is ever struggling at home (or school) to maintain a healthy balance of life’s demands, please feel free to schedule a conference with one of our staff members. We are fully committed to helping you solve your child’s outside challenges.

Also, if you notice that your child is struggling to maintain focus and esteem with their Martial Arts training, please let us know as soon as possible. Many times a loss of focus or esteem can be resolved and boosted with some extra effort and attention from our staff.  Again, we are fully committed to helping your child learn and grow in every way possible.

Practicing at Home: Your child may struggle to practice their Martial Arts at home due to a limited amount of training space and supervision. If you notice that your child is not motivated to train at home, please let us know. We can put together simple homework assignments that are fun and easy to follow.

Rewarding Your Child: Martial Arts is a year-round activity that requires confidence, commitment, and goal-setting skills. As your child transitions from the beginner, intermediate, and advanced programs, we suggest you reward your child for his/ her accomplishments with a reasonable gesture. This will show your child that you recognize their hard work and dedication.

Children should bring a water bottle, with their name on it, to EVERY class!